Child Protection Lawyers Ballarat
We at TP Legal & Associates understand the significance of providing children with a safe and nurturing living environment, recognising they are the future. With the primary focus being to prioritise family bonds, our child protection lawyers in Ballarat are dedicated to ensuring children remain connected with their families, cultures, and communities.
Our highly experienced children’s court lawyers have over 25 years of expertise in aiding and supporting vulnerable children. As a leading Ballarat law firm specialising in children’s court cases and child protection, TP Legal & Associates is a proud Victoria Legal Aid’s S29A Panel member. We accept Legal Aid referrals and appear as duty lawyers across Victoria’s Metropolitan and County courts.
We are deeply committed to advocating for children’s rights and safety. With our depth of experience handling a wide range of children’s court cases, we are well-equipped to guide you through the entire legal process. Our lawyers provide tailored advice specific to your situation, working tirelessly to ensure you are treated fairly. We aim to give you the best possible chance of keeping your family together.
We pride ourselves on making the best decisions for our youngest clients, providing expert child protection advice and children’s court representation for family division matters involving children.
Family Division Matters
Family division matters are heard in the children’s court. The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) receives reports of child neglect and abuse and is obliged to investigate. After investigation, if they believe intervention is necessary, DFFH will lodge an application with the Children’s Court.
Our child protection lawyers are ready to represent you in relation to these applications. We represent children, parents, stepparents, and carers. Our expert knowledge and experience with child protection help us approach each case with an in-depth understanding and deep compassion, resulting in more effective interactions and communications with our clients.
Indigenous Representation
Our legal team is a strong advocate for the indigenous communities of Australia. We acknowledge and respect indigenous connections to land and culture and advocate for your legal rights with this in mind.
We regularly receive client referrals from the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and from other Aboriginal organisations.
At TP Legal & Associates, all our employees have undergone Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training with the Koori Heritage Trust and are committed to advocating for the indigenous peoples of Victoria. We work hard to keep indigenous children with their families and cultures, taking a respectful, compassionate, non-judgmental approach to our service.
Legal Aid
TP Legal & Associates is predominantly a legal-aid-focused law firm. We are members of the S29A Panel at Victoria Legal Aid.
We accept referrals from Legal Aid and appear as duty lawyers across Victoria’s Metropolitan and County courts.
We are committed to ensuring underprivileged families have access to legal aid to get the justice they deserve.
Children’s Court Applications
We can assist you with all child protection applications and orders including:
- Protection Applications by Emergency Care
- Protection Applications by Notice
- Family Preservation Orders
- Family Reunification Orders
- Long-Term Care Orders
- Permanent Care Orders
- Care by Secretary Orders
- Therapeutic Treatment Orders
- Case Plan Reviews
We advocate for your legal rights, negotiating with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) on your behalf. Legal representation is necessary when dealing with DFFH, as some orders can last up to 24 months, or until a child turns 18 years of age. We offer specialised expertise in dealing with the DFFH, so we can help you get the best possible outcome for your case.
Court Hearings
For court hearings, feel secure knowing our children’s court lawyers in Ballarat assist you at each stage of your court case. Your case may finalise quickly or can take several months. At TP Legal & Associates, we’ll support you every step of the way. We offer representation at all court hearings including:
- Mention Hearings
- Conciliation Conferences
- Readiness Hearings
- Interim and Final Contests
Children’s Court Representation
We represent all parties to proceedings in children’s court cases and do so with empathy for everyone involved.
Children Under 10 Years Old
If a child is under 10 years of age, the Children’s Court may appoint an Independent Children’s Lawyer. At TP Legal & Associates, Victoria Legal Aid regularly refers children under 10 to our team for support. Our experienced child protection lawyers have a responsibility to read all associated materials, then making a decision based on the best interests of the child. Our careful attention to detail and wealth of expertise is well known in the industry, and we pride ourselves on being able to make the best decisions for our youngest clients.
Children 10 Years or Older
If a child is over 10 years of age, they take an instruction-based approach, telling us what they would like to happen in the children’s court. We are well-versed in talking to children and teenagers. Many of our lawyers are parents themselves and so have an intuitive ability to make our younger clients feel comfortable, understood, and heard.
Parents and Carers
If we’re representing you as a parent or carer, we act for you and your interests. If you’re not a parent and haven’t joined as a party to proceedings, we can assist in your application to join. We advocate strongly for children to maintain a connection with their family and caregivers where possible and will fight for your rights and the rights of your child. TP Legal is one of the few law firms in Ballarat able to offer expert specialised advice and strong advocacy skills in relation to your Child Protection Matter.
We’re here to support our youngest clients
Based in Ballarat and Melbourne, our child protection lawyers are available to represent clients in all courts throughout metropolitan and rural Victoria. We travel regularly to courts in rural areas to support and provide legal services to Aboriginal people, as well as legal aid to underprivileged families.
Help us help you. Contact TP Legal today to receive the assistance you need.